The Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB)
Walk –in interview for two positions of Project Fellows
RGCB requires on following positions for its flagship program on emerging viral diseases, specifically for studies into the molecular epidemiology of the H1N1 influenza.
Project fellows
Posts : 02
Stipend : Rs 10,000 per month plus 20% HRA) to work in the flagship program on Emerging Viral Diseases (H1N1 influenza
Qualification : Candidates must have a minimum qualification of MSc in Microbiology or Medical Microbiology. Applicants with post graduates degrees in other branches of Life Sciences plus two years documented working experience in molecular microbiology and/or molecular biology are also eligible.
Period : initially for one year and then expendable for a maximum of another two years.
Age : The upper age limit is 32 as on December 31, 2009.
Applicants are advised to come into RGCB on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 9.00 am with all certificates and proof of experience. If there are more than 10 applicants, a preliminary qualifying test will be held. Candidates with more than two years documented experience in Molecular Microbiology or Molecular Biology inclusive of PCR techniques will be exempt from the test. Inappropriate candidates will be rejected straightway. The test if needed will be held at 11 am. The interview for all short-listed candidates will be held at 2.00 pm on the same day. Results will be announced the same day at 5.30 pm and candidates are expected to join on or before September 16, 2009.
Further details may be obtained from the Office of the Director (Phone: 0471 2347973).
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