National Institute of Technology (NIT), Karnataka
Surathkal, Mangalore – 575025
NIT Karnataka, Surathkal, invites applications from Indian Nationals for faculty positions at level of Professors, Assistant Professors and Lecturers in various teaching departments.
Professor :
- Pay Scale : PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 + 10000 (AGP),
- Qualification : Ph.D. Degree with First Class degree at Bachelor or Master's level & Experience in the appropriate/relevant branch of Engineering/Technology/Science/relevant Discipline.
- 10 years experience in Teaching/Industry/Research out of which 5 years must be at level of Asst. Professor and/or equivalent.
Assistant Professor :
- Pay Scale : PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 + 9000 (AGP),
- Qualification : Ph.D. Degree with First Class degree at Bachelor or Master's level & Experience in the appropriate/ relevant branch of Engineering/ Technology/Science/relevant Discipline.
- 3 years experience in Teaching/Industry/Research at the level of Lecturer/ or equivalent.
Lecturer :
- Pay Scale : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + 6000 (AGP),
- Qualification : Bachelor's and Master's Degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/ Technology/ Science/ relevant Discipline with First Class at Bachelor's or Master's level., Desirable: Ph.D. in relevant area. Experience in Teaching/ Industry/ Research
How to Apply : This is a Standing Advertisement for Faculty posts. Candidates who meet theCompleted applications, in the prescribed form, should be sent to the Registrar,
NITK, Surathkal,
Mangalore – 575025 on or before 01/11/2010.
- Click here for more details :[1].pdf and[1].pdf
- Click here for Application form :[1].doc