Government of Madhya PradeshForest DepartmentRecruitment of IT ProfessionalsInformation Technology Wing of Madhya Pradesh Forests Department (MPFD) requires following IT professionals :Senior MIS Application Developer : 02 posts, Qualification : M.C.A. / M.Sc. (CS/IT) / B.E. (CS/IT) with 2 year relevant experience of programming., Remuneration: Rs: 18000/-(Consolidated) Per Month.Senior GIS Application Developer: 02 posts, Qualification: M.C.A. / M.Sc. (CS/IT) / B.E. (CS/IT) with 2 year relevant experience of programming., Remuneration: Rs: 18000/-(Consolidated) Per Month.Remote Sensing Data Analyst : 02 posts, Qualification: - Post Graduate with Geography / Geology/ Remote Sensing as one of subject with Diploma in Geomatics / Remote Sensing from Indian /Foreign/ Deemed University / Govt. Orgnization., Remuneration: Rs: 18000/-(Consolidated) Per Month.
How to Apply : Eligible candidates may apply Online upto 04/12/2010 at the MP Forest Department website only. For further information and application form, kindly view the document and apply online at
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November 28, 2010
Government of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department recruiting IT professionals
Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited recruitment notication for various jobs november 2010
Punjab Markfed latest recruitment notification november 2010
UP Gramnin Bank recruitment for clerks and other officers
Baroda Uttar Pradesh (UP) Gramin Bank (Sponsored by Bank of Baroda)A-1, Civil Lines, Raebareli, UPBaroda UP Gramin Bank invites applications from domicile of Uttar Pradesh for following posts :Officer Scale -I (Assistant Manager) : 28 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.14500-25700, Age : 18-26 yearsOffice Assistants (Clerical CadrE) : 217 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.7200-19300, Age : 18-26 years
Application fee : Rs.450/- for the post of Officer and Rs.400/- for the post of Assistant (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PWD/ Ex.SM candidates for both the posts) paid by a Demand Drafts be drawn as "Baroda Uttar Pradesh Gramin Bank Recruitment Project - 2010" payable at Raebareli.How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format in an envelope super scribing the name of the post on the envelope to be send to the following address on or before 27/12/2010 :Officer - Post Box No. 7729, Borivali (West), Mumbai - 400092 Office Assistant - Post Box No. 8589, Kandivali (East), Mumbai - 400101Please view for details and application format.
Union Bank of India recruitment for clerks for 1640 posts november 2010
Union Bank of India
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Union Bank of India, a Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Mumbai and all India representation, invites online applications for recruitment to the following posts of Clerk-Cum-Cashier:
* Clerk-Cum-Cashier : 1640 posts in Clerical Cadre in various States of India , Age : 18-28 years, Pay Scale : Rs.7200 – Rs.19300, Qualification : A First Class Pass (60% marks in the aggregate) in the Higher Secondary School (HSC) Examination or Standard XII under the 10+2+3 pattern or Standard XI under the 11+3 pattern or Intermediate Examination or Pre-University (PUC) OR A Pass Class Graduate Degree from a UGC recognised reputed University. (ii) Computer Awareness and Office Automation Course (Computer Basics, DOS, MS Office, Internet & E-Mail) from a Computer Training Institute of a duration of minimum 60 hours.
Fee :
Rs.300/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates) to be deposited in any Union Bank of India branch in India in cash by with the Application Fee Challan. Keep counterfoil copy with your self in safe custody.
Selection by a Written Test on 06/02/2011 followed by Personal Interview for selected candidates.
How to Apply:
Apply Online at Union Bank of India website between 26/11/2010 and 16/12/2010. After registration, take two printout of the registration slip and keep it safe with yourself and do not send any copy or form to bank.
All other details like educational qualification, age relaxation, reservation, selection process, posting place and payment challan slip is available at and
apply online at