Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited
Job Details :
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, a Fortune 500 company and a leading Navratna Public Sector Company with an all India presence, engaged in Refining, Marketing/Distribution of Petroleum products and Exploration of Oil/Gas is looking for young, energetic and ambitious Engineering and Management Professionals to join as "Management Trainees".
Job position : Management Trainee
Distribution of Posts is as :
Mechanical Engineering: 185 Posts
Electrical Engineering: 35 Posts
Computer Science Engineering: 10 Posts
Fire Engineering: 04 Posts
Educational Qualifications from Institutions/Colleges and Universities /Deemed Universities duly recognized by AICTE/UGC/AIU:
1. Should have completed 4 Years full time Degree course in first attempt in
(i) Mechanical Engineering
(ii) Electrical Engineering
(iii) Computer Science Engineering
(iv) Fire Engineering
2. Should have completed 2 years full time MBA (Human Resources) /MA (PM&IR)/Post Graduate Diploma specializing in HR from a premier Institute or equivalent, in first attempt.
Note :
1. Candidates belonging to General / OBC Category scoring minimum 60% and SC/ST/PWD category scoring minimum 50% in the qualifying degree examination are only eligible to apply.
2. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade in a degree is awarded, equivalent percentage marks should be indicated in the online application (as per norms adopted by the University/Institute). No rounding off percentage would be allowed.
Age limit (As on 1-12-2010):
Upper age limit is 25 years for Engineering Professionals and 27 years for HR professionals.
Process of Selection :
The selection methodology will comprise of written test, group discussion and personal interview. The written test will be objective multiple-choice test paper consisting of two parts, Part I – Test on General Aptitude and Part II – Test on Technical/Professional Knowledge. The candidates short listed in the written test will be required to appear for group discussion. The candidates who are short listed in the group discussion will be required to appear for personal interview. However, the final selection will be subject to the candidate's clearing medical examination. Further, the Management reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards / criteria in order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for group discussion/personal interview, if so required. Management may also relax / lower the qualifying standards / criteria in case required number of candidates is not available.
Please note mere involvement in the various stages of recruitment / selection process (written test, group discussion, personal interview, pre-employment medical examination etc.) does not confer any right to candidate for employment with BPCL.
Emoluments & Placements :
Engineering Professionals will be appointed in Job Group "A" on basic pay of Rs.24,900/- (in the salary scale of 24900 – 50500) Plus Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) and other allowances/benefits admissible as per the rules of the Corporation. After successful completion of probation, their services will be confirmed in Job Group 'A'.
HR Professionals will be appointed in Job Group 'A' on basic pay of Rs.29,100/- (in the salary scale of 24900 – 50500) Plus VDA and other allowances/benefits admissible as per the rules of the Corporation. After successful completion of probation, their services will be confirmed in Job Group 'B'.
Mechanical & Electrical engineering candidates' postings will be at any of BPCL locations across the country.
Fire Engineering candidates' current posting will be at Mumbai Refinery.
HR & Computer Science engineering candidates' current postings will be in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Kochi Refinery.
However, services of all positions are transferable across the country, as required by the corporation.
Apply :
Eligible candidates have to apply on-line by logging on to the website of BPCL i.e Online submission of the application will be allowed on the website from 01.12.2010 to 15.12.2010.
Applications sent through any other means / mode shall not be accepted.
While applying online, candidate should have the following readily available :
1. E-mail ID (which must be valid for at least one year from the date of application)
2. Demand Draft of Rs. 400/- as processing and examination fee for the candidates belonging to General and OBC categories only. SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted from processing and examination fees.
DD details ( if applicable ) and valid e-mail ID are mandatory fields without which applications will not be registered.
The above fee paid through Demand Draft is non refundable and should be drawn in favour of "Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited" payable at Mumbai only. Demand drafts payable at locations other than Mumbai will not be accepted. Money Order / Postal Order or any other mode of payment is not acceptable.
Steps For Applying :
STEP 1: Go to website.
STEP 2: Go to link Careers @ BPCL Current Openings, to view the full advertisement details.
(Read the details very carefully before applying.)
STEP 3: Click on "Apply" to fill up the application form. ("Apply & Print Registration Slip" links are placed at the bottom of this page. )
STEP 4: After filling the Application form, click on SUBMIT button to complete the Registration process. This will open up the Registration slip screen. Click on PRINT button to print the Registration slip with unique registration number. (Please note that once you click on SUBMIT, you cannot go back and edit your filled Online form. Registration slip however, can be reprinted till 15.12.2010.)
STEP 5: Paste a recent passport size photograph on the registration slip, attach the DD (having name and registration number duly written on the back of DD) or caste/disability certificate as applicable and send the same by ordinary post to the address given below latest by 22.12.2010.
POST BOX NO. 5463, GPO, BANGALORE – 560 001
Only original registration slip ( no photocopy ) shall be accepted.
STEP 6: If your candidature is found eligible, you will be intimated by email latest by 11.01.2011 regarding the written test. On receipt of the email, you will have to once again log in to and go to the link 'Careers @ BPCL Current Openings', login with your unique Registration no. and DOB (Password is your Date of Birth) and click on PRINT THE ADMIT CARD.
STEP 7: Print the admit card and paste a recent passport size photograph and carry the admit card to the examination centre on the date and time indicated therein.
Photograph affixed on registration slip and admit card should be the same.
The envelope should be superscribed with " APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF MANAGEMENT TRAINEE ".
Candidate should take special care not to staple the Demand Draft. They should use pins for fastening all documents / demand drafts.
Intimation regarding examination schedule, admit card along with specimen questions, etc shall be sent by email/post to the address provided in the application. BPCL will not be responsible for any loss of email/admit card sent, due to invalid/wrong email id/wrong postal address/postal delays/loss in transit etc.
Important dates :
Commencement of online registration of applications by candidates : 01.12.2010
Last date for receipt of online applications : 15.12.2010
Last date for accepting registration slips with required documents by post : 22.12.2010
Intimation to candidates regarding admit cards by email latest by : 11.01.2011
All India Written Test : January 2011
For Full Details Click :