Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra Haryana
Advt. No. : 5/2009
Applications for the following posts are invited on the prescribed Form obtainable along with the prescribed qualifications and instructions from the
Manager, Printing & Publications, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on payment of Rs. 500/-(Rs. 125/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) in cash at the counter
by post by sending Demand Draft of Rs.550/- (Rs.175/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) drawn in favour of Registrar, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Reader : 06 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.12000-18300
Lecturer : 23 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500
Jobs in University College
Lecturer : 09 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500
Directorate of Distance Education
Lecturer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500
University College of Education
Principal : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs.16400-22400
Lecturer : 07 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.8000-13500
Candidates for the posts of Reader are required to submit details of their three major publications (out of which one could be a book for the post of Professor) on the prescribed Performa and also submit 4 sets of their research publications, as mentioned in the Performa.
Candidates are also required to submit the copies of title page(s) & contents pages of the Journals in which their research publications were published.
Application Form should reach the
Deputy Registrar (Estt.),
Kurukshetra University,
Kurushetra – 136119 (Haryana) latest by 24/09/2009.
Click here for more details : http://www.kukinfo.com/web2009/advt509.doc
Click here for detailed Instructions : http://www.kukinfo.com/web2009/inst509.doc