(National Council of Science Museums)
Bhairon Road , Near Gate No.1, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi - 110001
Advertisement No. : 04/2009
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement of Trainee in the following disciplines for a period of one year only at a consolidated monthly stipend in National Science Centre, Delhi (NSCD)
1. Trainee Education : 05 posts , Stipend : Rs.6700/- ,
Qualification : Fresh Science Graduates with Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Bio-Science or Computer Science from recognised University.
2. Trainee Technical : 02 posts, Stipend : Rs.6700/- ,
Qualification : Fresh Three years Diploma Course in Computer Science or DOE ' A' Level Diploma from Govt. Recognised Institutions.
3. Trainee Crafts : 06 posts (Carpenter-1, Electrical-2, Electronics-2),
Qualification : Fresh ITI certificate holders who have obtained ITI certificate after passing 10th standard in the relevant trade.
Walk-In : Eligible and interested candidates shall bring with them their bio-data on plain paper with two passport size photographs and a set of attested copies of certificate/ testimonials together with the originals for a walk-in for an on the spot aptitude/ written test to be held on 31/08/2009 at 10.00 am in NSCD.
For the post no. 1 & 2 the candidates shall be required to appear for an interview which will be held on 31/08/2009 from 2.30 pm onwards at NSCD.
For trainee-ship at no.3 the candidates qualified in the aptitude test will have to appear for a trade test on 31/08/2009 from 2.00 pm onwards and those who qualify for the trade test will have to appear for the interview on 01/09/2009 from 10.30 am onwards.
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