Northeast Frontier Railway Recruitment (1130 Constable) Notification
NUMBER OF VACANCIES - 1130 (Male: 905, Female: 113, Ex-servicemen: 112)
PAY SCALE - Pay Band of Rs.5200-20,200/- + Grade Pay Rs. 2000/- with usual allowances as per Central Government Employees.
(a) Cititenship: Must be a citizen of India.
(b) Education: Must have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination from a recognized Board on the closing date of submission of application form. Educational certificates of other than State Board/Central Board should be submitted along with Government of India notification declaring that such qualifications are equivalent to matriculation/Xth for service under Central Government
(c) Age: The candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 25 years as on 1 January, 2010. The candidates must not be born before 01.01.1985 and must not be born after 31.12.1992. Age mentioned in the Matriculation/High School Examination certificate or an equivalent certificate as on the date of submission of application will only be accepted.
(d) Relaxation in Age:
(i) Relaxation in upper age limit up to 5 years will be admissible to SC/ST and up to 3 years to OBC candidates.
(ii) Upper age uP. to 5 years is also relaxable for those persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of J&K during the period from 151January 1980 to 3151 December 1989. The persons claiming relaxation under this category must produce a certificate to this effect from the District Magistrate within whose jurisdiction they had ordinarily' resided or from any other authority designated on his behalf by the Government of J&K
(iii) Relaxation in upper age limit to the extent of defence service plus 03 years is applicable to Ex-servicemen provided break in service and re-employment should not exceed 02 years and they must have put in at least 06 months after attestation.
Mode of selection: Candidates who qualify PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY TEST (PET) would be called for written exam.
How to apply : The candidates must send their applications duly filled to the following Address:
Chief Security Commissioner/RPF.
Northeast Frontier Railway
Maligaon, Guwahati – 781011
Post Box Number – 8 at Maligaon Railway H.Q. MDG
on or before 08.09.2009 (Candidates of North Eastern States and the Andaman and Nicober Islands shall be given 07 days extra for submission of application. Their applications will be received upto 15.09.2009).
Applications should be sent through ordinary post only. No application will be received by hand or through private courier service.
Applications 'should be filled by the candidates only in Hindi or English in their own handwriting and signature in normal handwriting and Left Hand thumb in the case of Male candidates/ Right Hand thumb impression in case of Female candidates. Applications signed in capital letters/spaced out letters will be treated as invalid.
Coloured photograph (3.5 ems x 4.5 ems) should be pasted at the appropriate place with clear front view of the face without cap and sunglasses.
Applications must be accompanied by
(i) Crossed Indian Postal Order of Rs. 40/- payable at GPO/Guwahati or Bank Draft of RsAO/- drawn at State Bank of India payable at State Bank of India, Maligaon Branch (Code No. 229) as application fee (non-refundable) payable to "Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer/No F. Railway".
No fee shall be charged from the candidates belonging to SC/ST category and Ex-servicemen.
For more details please refer to dated Employment News 8-14 August 2009.
Click here for more details : [caption id="attachment_3735" align="aligncenter" width="150" caption="Application form"][/caption]