Central Institute for Cotton Research
Regional Station, Sirsa-125055
Candidate invites for walk-in-interview on 5th September, 2009 at 10.00 AM
Senior Research Fellow
in project TMCMM-II-IRM On "Dissemination of Insecticide Resistance Management on Cottonacross India".Upto 31st March, 2010.
No. of Posts : 01, Pay: Rs.12000/-(fixed) + HRA)
Qualification : The essential qualifications will be M.Sc in Agril.Entomology / Plant Pathology / Agril. Science / Bio Science. Desirable Ph.D in above disciplines / one-two years experience in the use of computer / Experience of Extension work in cotton crop.
Senior Research Fellow
in NAIP Project on "Research into Development of Decision Support Systems for Insect Pests of Major Rice and Cotton based cropping systems." Upto 31st March, 2010.
No. of posts : 01, Pay: Rs.12000/-(fixed) + HRA)
Qualification : The essential qualifications will be M.Sc in Agril.Entomology / Zoology / Bio-Science. Preference will be given to Agril. Entomology. Desirable Ph.D in above disciplines / one-two years experience in the use of computer / Experience of extension work in cotton crop.
Age Limit : 35 years, relaxation for SC/ ST/ Women for 5 years and OBC for 3 years.
Interview Date : 05/09/2009
Click here for more details : http://www.cicr.org.in/tender-job/walkin-srs-2009.pdf