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September 08, 2009

SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL Recruitment for Constable(Driver)-295 Posts



Applications are invited from male Indian citizens who fulfill the following eligibility criterion for filling up the vacancies in the rank of Constable Driver in the pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200 in the grade pay of Rs.2000/- and other allowances admissible to Central Govt. employees from time to time in "

Sashastra Seema Bal".

The last date of receipt of application is 08-10-2009. However the closing date for receipt of applications (by post) for the candidates from North-Eastern States, Sikkim, Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba, Lahaul & Spiti and Kinnaur Districts of Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh Division, Kashmir of J&K State and the Union Territories of Anadaman and Nicobar islands and the Lakshadweep will be 15-10-2009

Constable (Driver)

  • Posts : 295 ( SC-133, ST-20,OBC-17,Gen-125 ),
  • Pay scale : Rs. 5200-20200
  • Place of duty : Any where within as well as outside the Territory of India.
  • Age : 18 to 28 years ( Cut off date for age will be 1st August,2009)
  • Educational qualification :

(i) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized board/university.
(ii) Must possess valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License.

  • Physical Standards :

(a) Height : 170 Cms
165 Cms for candidates belongings to hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Sikkimis, Leh and Ladakh, Kashmir Valley and North East.
Scheduled Tribes including Mizos and Nagas : 162.5 Cms.

  • Chest : General Scheduled Tribes

Unexpended 80 Cms 76 Cms
Expanded 85 Cms 81 Cms

  • Weight : Corresponding to height

  • Eye sight : The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of two eyes without correction i.e. without wearing of glasses.

Eligible and desirous candidates should send their applications BY ORDINARY POST in the prescribed proforma given in Annexures-I and II with attested passport size photographs duly affixed on application form and admit card at the space provided for the purpose, along with application fee, attested copies of the testimonials as in Para-8. The applications should be typed or neatly hand written. Two self-addressed envelopes of 4"x9" size with Rs.6/- postage stamps duly affixed should also be attached with the application forms. The candidates belonging to different States/UTs should send their application forms to the address as shown at Column No.3 of the table below on or before closing date. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed in block letters as


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