Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH)
(Tata Memorial Centre (TMC))
Parel, Mumbai – 410210
Applications are invited for the following posts :
Assistant Medical Physicist : 01 post
Scientific Assistant 'B' (Transfusion Medicine) : 01 post
Scientific Assistant 'B' (Medical Records) : 01 post
Technician `E' (Radio-diagnosis) : 03 posts
Technician `E' (ICU) : 01 post
Nurse `A' : 36 posts (OH-01, SC-5 , ST-2, OBC-9 , Gen.-19)
Technician `C'(Pathology) : 02 posts (ST-01, Gen.- 01)
Technician `C' (Tailor) : 01 post
Application Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ST candidates) for Sr. No. 1 and Rs. 100/-(Rs.25/-for SC/ST candidates) for Sr. No. 2 to 8 drawn in favour of Tata Memorial Centre, Parel, Mumbai – 400012
How to Apply : Typewritten Application in the prescribed format only super scribing the post applied for on the cover along with a recent passport size photograph affixed on right hand top corner with attested copies of all certificates should be forwarded to the
H.R.D. Officer,
Tata Memorial Hospital,
Mumbai – 400012 so as to reach him on or before 18/09/2009.
Click here for more details : http://tmh.gov.in/work/work43.html