Gujrat Ayurved University
Institute of Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda
Jamnagar - 361 008
Vacancy Notification (Avt. No. 3/2009)
Applications for the post of
Director in Institute for Post Graduate Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, of Gujrat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, are invited for selection of suitable candidate on tenure/deputation for a fixed period of 5 years or up to the date of retirement of the incumbent, whichever is earlier.
Essential Qualification: (A) Post graduate in Ayurveda M.D. (Ayu)/M.S (Ayu) or equivalent, recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine.
(B) Ph.D in Ayurveda.
Experience : (C) 15 years post Graduate teaching experience including 5 years Post Graduate teaching experience on the post of reader and above from Ayurvedic Institution recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine.
Pay Scale: Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade pay Rs. 10,000 + N.P.A and other usual allowances admissible as per rules.
- Probation Period : 2 yrs.
Tenure : 5 Yrs.
Max. Age Limit : 55 Yrs.
The details and the prescribed Application Format etc. may please be downloaded from website, from 09.10.2009.
The eligible interested persons may send their applications in the prescribed format through proper channel should reach the undersigned latest by 30.11.2009 by registered post along with necessary documents, certificates & Demand Draft of Nationalize Bank of rs. 200/- drawn in favor of
the director, I.P.G.T & R.A., Jamnagar payable at
Jamnagar. No advance copy of application will be entertained. University reserves right to fill or not to fill the post advertised. The applicant should produce "No Objection Certificate" from the employer at the time of Personal Interview.