Institute for Plasma Research
Near Indira Bridge, Gandhinagar Highway, Bhat Village , Gandhinagar-382 428
Advt. No. : 09/2009
Applications are invited for the following posts
1. Engineer (Project ) (Mechanical)
No of Posts : 01
Qualification : BE / BTech / B.Sc (Engineering) in Mechanical Engineering (first class) + minimum 1 year industrial experience and should have experience of Finite Element Analysis.
2. Engineer (Project ) (Electrical)
No of Posts : 01
Qualification : BE / BTech / B.Sc (Engineering) in Electrical Engineering (first class) + minimum 1 year experience of high voltage DC power supply mainenatance and testing
3. Scientist (Project)
No of Posts : 01
Qualification : M.Sc. (Physical / Applied / Physics) (1st class) + atleast 1 year experince in vacuum coatings or plasma based surface modification and thin film formation and structural and tribological characterization of the same
4. Scientist (Project)
No of Posts : 01
Qualification : M.Sc. (Physical ) (1st class) + a tleast 1 year experience in electronics and / or electromagnetic experiments
5. Engineer (Project ) (Electrical)
No of Posts : 01
Qualification : BE / BTech / B.Sc (Engineering) in Electrical Engineering (first class) + minimum 1 year experience in power electronics
Age Limit : 35 years (relaxable as per Govt. rules)
Salary : Rs. 29000/- per month (Consolidated)
Last Date for receipt of application : 26.10.2009
Typed application on A4 size paper strictly in the given format with one recent passport size photograph duly affixed on the right hand top corner of the application alongwith copies of testimonials in support of Qualification and Work Experience etc., should reach
The Acting Chief Administrative Officer,
Institute for Plasma Research,
Near Indira Bridge, Gandhinagar Highway,
Bhat Village , Gandhinagar-382 428.
The envelope should be strictly superscribed with Advt. No. and Post Applied for.
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