Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
Divisional Office, Indore
Engagement of Direct Sales Executives (DSE), in LIC Indore
Applications are invited for Engagement of Direct Sales Executives on contract basis for 3 years .
Direct Sales Executives : 75 posts
- Age : 21-35 years as on 01/06/2009. Age relaxation as per rules.
- Qualification : Bachelor's Degree of a University in India. Preference may be given to those applicants who possess who possess the Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Marketing/Management. Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. Knowledge of soft skills such as Power Point/Word/Excel would be additional advantage.
- Pay Scale : Rs.10000/- per month/-
- Application Fee : A crossed Demand Draft of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of "Life Insurance Corporation of India" payable at Indore. SC/ST candidates are not required to pay any fee. Candidates should write his/her name and date of birth on the back side.
How to Apply : Complete application in prescribed format along with enclosures should be send to the address below on or before 05/11/2009 in an envelope super scribed as "
Engagement of Direct Sales Executives, Indore Division, Central Region" :
The Sr. Divisional Manager,
LIC of India, Divisional Office,
Jeevan Prakash, 19 M.G. Road,
P.B. No. 130, Indore - 452001
Click here for more details :