Tripura Public Service Commission Recruitment 2009
TPSC invites application for following posts :
Inspector :
Pay-Scale : Rs. 5310-24000 Grade pay Rs. 2400(pre-revised Rs. 5000-10,300) plus admissible allowances
Educational Qualification : Bachelor Degree of any recognized University. Preference will be given to Degree Holders in Commerce/Arts with Economics & Statistics.
Research Assistant :
Pay-Scale : Rs. 5310-24,000 Grade pay Rs. 2400(Pre-revised) plus admissible allowances
Educational Qualification : (i) At least a graduate with the following as one of the subjects in Degree level viz. Economics, Statistics, Sociology and Mathematics or Master Degree in any one subject mentioned above.
(ii) At least 2 years experience in collection compilation of data or in planning work or in research type of work or in research type of work from a recognized Institution or while in Govt. service after graduation for graduates. But for Master Degree holders, no experience in the lines is required.
Public Analyst :
Pay-Scale : Rs.13,575-37000/- [Pay Band-4] Grade Pay Rs.4800/- (Pre-revised Rs. 10,650-325-15,.850/-) plus admissible allowances.
Educational Qualification : (i) At least a Master's Degree in Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry or Diary Chemistry or Food Technology or Microbiology or Food & Drugs from a recognized University established in India by law or is an Associate of the Institution of Chemists (India) by examination in the section of Food Analysis conducted by the Institution of Chemists (India) or has an equivalent qualifications recognized and notified by the Central Government for such purposes and has not less than three years experience in the Analysis of Food.
(ii) Should have declared qualified for appointment as a public analyst by a Board appointed and notified by the Central Government for such purposes.
AGE (above 3 posts) : 18 to 37 years as on 31.10.2009
(i) The number of posts to be filled up is subject to increase or decrease following requirement of the Department.
(ii) The last date of receiving application is 31.10.2009 The application received after the closing date will not be entertained.
(iii) Prescribed Form availability : The 4(four) pages printed application Form will be available from any of the total 108 Nos. of Branches/Extension counters of Tripura Gramin Bank located at different places of Urban and Rural areas in the State of Tripura on deposit of the prescribed Recruitment Fee through the Special Deposit Slip to the Account No. 14711 in favour of the Secretary, T.P.S.C. in the same Branch / Extension counter as a single window system without any extra charge/Commission from the candidates.
Rate of Recruitment Fees :
Prescribed Recruitment Fee is to be paid in the form of demand draft of any Nationalized Bank payable at Agartala in favour of the Secretary, T.P.S.C.
Group – A Posts - Rs.200/= (Rupees Two Hundred) only for General Candidates and Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred and fifty) only for ST/SC/ BPL card holders/ Physically Handicapped Candidates.
Group – C Posts - Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred} only for General Candidates and Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty) only for ST/SC/BPL Cardholders / Physically Handicapped candidates.
ST/SC Candidates of other States (not recognized by the Govt. of Tripura) should apply for unreserved vacancy as general candidate along with recruitment fee prescribed for general candidates.
- Application should reach before Last Date 31.10.2009.
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