Industrial Development Bnk of India (IDBI Bank)
Regd. Office : IDBI Tower, WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade, mumbai- 400005
Online submission of application : Between 16/11/2009 and 21/11/2009 for the posts of Manager and Assistant General Managers as Second Window (Window2)
IDBI Bank, a new generation fully computerised banking company having majority share holding by Government of India, invites application for following posts :
Executive (On contract basis) : 300 posts
Qualification : Graduate in any discipline
Age : 25 years
Assistant Manager Gr. A : 850 posts
Qualification : Graduate with 60% in any discipline
Age : 28 years
Manager Gr. B : 370 posts,
Qualification : Graduate from a recognised university and preference to CA/ICWA/CFA/MBA/CAIIB
Age : 32 years, Experience : 3 years experience in Bank/ Insurance/ Mutual Fund etc.
Assistant General Manager Gr. C : 400 posts,
Qualification : Graduate from a recognised university and preference to CA/ICWA/CFA/MBA/CAIIB,
Age : 37 years.
Relaxation is age as per Govt. rules.
Experience : 5 years in Banking, Insurance/ Non Banking Finance company, Mutual Fund etc.
Reservation as per Govt. rules.
How to Apply : Apply Online between the date prescribed above. The print out of the system generated application along with the documents/ certificates and fee should be sent by Ordinary post only in a closed envelope superscribed as "
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ............." to the desired postal box address.
Click here for more details :
Recruitment of Executives and Officers in various grades
- Challan-IDBI
- Challan-SBI
- Online application form for Manager/ Assistant General Manager
- Recruitment of Executive (on contract) and Assistant Manager Gr"A"- Change in date of written test for the post of Assistant Manager Gr "A"