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November 30, 2009

Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited Recruitment of Helicopter Pilots Trainees

Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Recruitment  for Helicopter Pilot Trainess
Pawan Hans Helicpoters Limited, a premier Public Sector Undertaking and india's largest helicopter company requires for its New Delhi Office. PHHL is looking for Helicopter Pilots Trainees :

Helicopter Pilots Trainees : 10 posts (UR-5, SC-2, ST-2, OBC-1)

Age : 18-30 years

Qualification : Should have passed 10+2 in Science with Physics and Mathematics or its equivalent from any recognised Board/University
(ii) Current Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL) issued by DGCA, Government of India.

Stipend : The candidates will be paid a stipend of Rs. 25000/- p.m. after acquiring CHPL and during the MCF conversion training period and shall be plaed in the scale of Rs. 20600 - 46500/- (E-1 grade) on successful completion of training g and thereafter passing of DGCA Examination and acquiring endorsement on Pawan Hans type of helicopter.

How to Apply : Candidates should apply in the prescribed application form and send the same duly filled in along with a recent passport size photograph and DD of Rs. 500/- drawn in favour of Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited payable at New Delhi (SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of application fee). Applications complete in all respect, superscribing the envelope with the post applied for, reach within 15 days to (i.e. upto 21/12/2009)  to:
Dy. General Manager (P&HRD),
Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited,
Corporate Office,
Safdarjung Airport,
New Delhi-110003

Click here for more details :