Company name : Kernex Micro systems(India)ltd.
Company profile : A reputed electronics and system integrating company with over 18 years standing manufacturing railway safety and products, requires for their ongoing projects/maintenance service, the following Hardware professionals with the following technical background :
Project Leaders : B.Tech(Electronics)/7 Years
Senior Hardware : B.Tech(Electronics)/5 Years
H/W Engineers : B.Tech(Electronics)/Diploma/3 Years
Junior or Asst. H/W engineers : Diploma in (electronics)/3 Years
Asst.system Admin. : B.Sc.(Computers)/3 Years
H/W Technicians Grade A,B & C : I.T.I.(electronics)/4 Years
Trainees : Electronics/Graduates/Diploma&I.T.Is(1 Year)
Type of Experience : The above electronics professionals are required for handling Installation, commissioning and operational and maintenance of electronic systems and products and should have had adequate hands-on-experience as mentioned above.
Place of Work : They must be prepared for work any where in India including Assam & Goa.
Remuneration : Will be commensurate with the type of experience and skill levels.besides basic salary and other perks, they will be offered special allowances when working at project sites and on service contracts.
Service requirements : candidate selected and desirous of working with the company should be required to serve the company at least for 3 years. For this purpose, they need to sign document like service agreement and guarantees, where necessary. Ex-kernex employees are encouraged to apply, if interested.
Documents to be carried : Basic technical certificates, experience certificates and last drawn salary details.
Training : Selected candidates are required to undergo training in Kernex training center for a specified period for each category.
Venu Date & Time : 11th and 12th Jan 2010 from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM and from 2.00 PM to 4.30 PM on each day
Venue : Rajvistas,#H,
Avanthi Colony,
Ph : 040-27747569