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February 16, 2010

Certification Engineers International Limited (CEIL) Recruitment for Surveyor

Certification Engineers International Limited (CEIL)
(A wholly owned subsidiary company of Engineers India Ltd)
Certification Engineers International Ltd. (CEIL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of Engineers India Ltd., having operations in the areas of Certification/ Re-Certification of offshore and onland oil & gas facilities.
CEIL require experienced Mechanical/Electrical/Instrumentation/Civil Engineer for Mumbai & other offices in India. The positions are multi-functiona & transferable.
Qualification : Applicant should be an Engineering Graduate in Mechanical/Electrical/Instumentation/Civil discipline from a recognised University/Institute.

  • Surveyor (I) : Scale of Pay: Rs.16400-40500/A, Minimum PQ Experince : 2 years, Maximum Age : 30 years
  • Surveyor (II) : Scale of Pay: Rs.20600-46500/B, Minimum PQ Experince : 6 years, Maximum Age : 35 years
  • Surveyor (III) : Scale of Pay:Rs.24900-50500/C, Minimum PQ Experince : 10 years, Maximum Age : 40 years

How to Apply : Applications should be addressed to
Sr. Manager (HR&A),
Certification Engineers International Ltd.,
E.I. Bhawan (Annexe 4th Floor), 1,
Bhikaiji Cama Place,
New Delhi-110066 giving information in prescribed format, so as to reach him within 4 weeks of the publication i.e. upto by 12/03/2010.
Application format :
1. Position and Discipline applied for, 2. Name, 3. Date & Place of Birth, 4. Sex, 5. Nationality 6. Mailing Address, Permanent Address, Contact no. & E-mail, 7. Educational Qualifications with details of Institute & University/Board, year of passing, Discipline & %age of marks/division obtained from Secondary School Examination onwards 8. Post-qualification Experience in chronological order starting with present employment giving name/s of employer with duration of employment in each case, post held, scale of pay & salary drawn and nature of duties performed, 9. Whether SC/ST/OBC (if yes, furnish proof), 10. Signature with date.

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