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March 07, 2010

Syndicate Bank Recruitment for Specialist Officer

Syndicate Bank
(A Government of India Undertaking)
Head Office : Manipal-576104, Karnataka
Recruitment of Specialist Officers 2010-11
Syndicate Bank, invites Online applications from Indian citizens for recruitment of 426 Specialist Officers :

  1. Asst. Manager (RD) : 125 posts in the pay Scale : Rs.10000-18240, Age : 21-30 years
  2. Asst. Manager (Marketing) : 150 posts in the pay Scale : Rs.10000-18240, Age : 21-30 years
  3. OL Officer : 10 posts in the pay Scale : Rs.10000-18240, Age : 21-30 years
  4. Technical Officers : 10 posts in the pay Scale : Rs.10000-18240, Age : 21-30 years
  5. Manager (IT) : 14  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920, Age :  25-32 years
  6. Manager (Law) : 08  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920, Age : 25-32 years
  7. Manager (Credit) : 50  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920, Age : 25-32 years
  8. Manager (Security) : 07 posts in the pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920, Age : 25-40 years
  9. Manager (FX) : 05  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920, Age : 25-32 years
  10. Managers (Risk Mgt) : 05  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.13820-19920, Age : 25-32 years
  11. Senior Manager (IT) : 05  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.18240-22280, Age : 25-35 years
  12. Senior Manager (Credit) : 20  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.18240-22280, Age : 25-35 years
  13. Senior Manager (FX) :  05  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.18240-22280, Age : 25-35 years
  14. Senior Manager (Risk Mgt) : 05  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.18240-22280, Age : 25-35 years
  15. Chief Manager (IT) : 05  posts in the pay Scale : Rs.20489-24140, Age : 25-40 years
  16. Chief Manager (Risk Mgt) : 01  post in the pay Scale : Rs.20489-24140, Age : 25-40 years
  17. Asst. General Manager (Risk Mgt.) : 01 post in the pay Scale : Rs.24140-26620, Age : 25-45 years

Age relaxation by Govt. rules.
Application Fee : Officers - Rs.300/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH) for the posts no. 1,2 and 3 and Rs.250/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH) for other posts, should be paid at any branch of the Syndicate Bank in the prescribed payment vouchers.
How to Apply : Apply online at Syndicate Bank website only from 10/03/2010 to 10/04/2010.  Take a printout. Send this printed application  for posts no. 4 to 17 only by ordinary post  in an envelope superscribing "Application for the post of ......." at the following address on or before 19/04/2010  :
Syndicate Bank Specialist Officers Recruitment Project - 2010,
Post Box No. 9054,
Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400063
Click here for more details : Recruitment Notification

Recruitment of Specialist Officers 2010-11

Syndicate Bank,  invites applications from Indian citizens for recruitment of 426 Specialist Officers.

Clicks the below links for

1.Detailed Advertisement
2.Fee Payment Challan
3.Format of SC/ST Caste Certificate
4.Format of OBC Community Certificate
5.Format of Physically Handicapped Certificate