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April 06, 2010

NTPC BHEL Power Projects Pvt. Ltd.(NBPPL) Recruitment for Civil and Finance Professionals

NTPC BHEL Power Projects Private Limited (NBPPL)
(A Joint Venture Company of NTPC & BHEL)
"The Corenthum", 6th Floor, Tower-B, A-41, Sector-62, Noida-201309 (UP)
NBPPL Need Civil and Finance Professionals on Fixed Tenure Basis
NBPPL, a Joint Venture company of NTPC Ltd. & BHEL, needs Civil Engineers (2 Nos. ) and Finance Executives (2 Nos. ) on Fixed Tenure Basis (FTA) for two years for its Namrup and Palatana Operations.:
Qualification :

  • B.Tech/B.E. in Civil Engineering with at least 55 % marks in aggregate from an institution recognised by AICTE (5O% marks for SC/ST candidates) for vacancy of Executive (Civil).
  • CA/ICWA (should have cleared final examination) for vacancy of Executive (Finance) .

Application Fee : A demand draft of Rs 200/- in favour of NBPPL payable at New Delhi. No application fee is to be paid by SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates. Candidates are advised to write their Name & Date of Birth on back side of Demand Draft.
How to Apply : Interested candidates shall submit the scanned copy of resume along with scanned copy of
DD at in line with prescribed performa. DD along with the resume should be sent through e-mail in a sealed envelope addressed to DY. MANAGER (HR/Admin) to reach latest by 22/04/2010.