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June 19, 2010

IBM walkin for freshers on june 23rd and june 24th 2010

We are happy to inform you there is IBM Off Campus Interviews on 23rd and 24th June,2010 at Sreenidhi Institute Of Science & Technology, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad. We are giving here under some details of the recruitment process, which you have to comply with, Eligibility criteria specified by IBM, 2010 recruitment etc.

Role : System Admin

Once the training is done they will be placed in Oracle DBA / SQL DBA / SAP Basis /Lotus Notes / Middleware / Mainframes areas.

Hiring Process :

* Screening ( 70 % aggregate – Graduate ( BSc , BCOM, Engineering Degree ) from a reputed Institute.

(Cut Off percentage : 70% and above on aggregate) except BA and MA 's )

* GD
* Aptitude Test
* Communication Assesment
* Technical and HR round .

Eligibility Criteria for IBM Recruitment

1. Students should have aggregate above 70% .

2. No standing backlogs are allowed.

3. Students passing out in 2009 and 2010 of their respective course will only be allowed to attend the recruitment.

Please note:

Click here to register for the recruitment Register

*The year of passing of the final qualification should be 2009 or 2010.

* The email id is unique and multiple registrations are to be avoided.

* The students shall provide the aggregate marks in all the academic qualifications.

* For the current qualification, the percentage marks should be updated till the last semester for which results have been declared.

* All the selects have to complete training on Oracle at NIIT and join the IBM in 2 weeks time after the same at a nominal cost. ( training only for non oralce certified students)

More details about the recruitment things to be carried will be updated shortly.

A registration fee of Rs 100/- is to be paid on the day of recruitment at reporting desk.

For More details contact

9701017204, 9177176007, 9030485859

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