Canfin Homes Ltd.
(Sponsor : Canara Bank)
No. 29 / 1, I Floor, Sir M N Krishna Rao Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore - 560004
Application in the prescribed format are invited for the post of Probationary Officers :
Probationary Officer (PO) : 30 posts,
Age : 21-30 years,
Qualification : Graduates in any discipline (minimum 50% marks) with knowledge of Computer operations from a recognized University / Institution,
Pay Scale : Rs. 8000-16300
Application Fee : The requisite fee/postage of Rs.300/- must be paid by means of a crossed Demand Draft issued by any Scheduled Commercial Bank payable at Bangalore favouring "Can Fin Homes Ltd.".
How to Apply : Application sin the prescribed format should reach the following address on or before 28/10/2010 duly super scribing "Application for the post of Probationary Officer" on the envelope :
Click here for more details :