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January 04, 2011

NIT Jamshedpur recruitment for faculty january 2011

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jamshedpur
(Deemed University)

National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur invites applications from Indian nationals belonging to SC/ST & OBC categories and possessing excellent academic background along with commitment to quality teaching, for the post of  Assistant  Professor (On Contract) and Lecturer (On Contract) for maximum periods of 3 years to be renewed annually for the following Departments :

Civil Engg., (2) Computer Science & Engg., (3) Electrical Engg., (4) Electronics & Communication Engg., (5) Metallurgical & Materials Engg., (6) Mechanical Engg., (7) Production & Industrial Engg., (8) Physics, (9) Chemistry, (10) Mathematics, (11) Humanities (English) & (12) Deptt. of Computer Applications
Remuneration : Assistant Professor - Rs.33000/- and for Lecturer - Rs.30000/- per month

How to Apply :  Application on the prescribed format with attested copies of certificates and passport size
photograph should reach Registrar, NIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand-831014 by Speed / Registered post
on or before 17/01/2011.

Please view[A].pdf for more details and application format.