National Institute of Technology (NIT), Jamshedpur
(Deemed University)
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur invites applications from Indian nationals belonging to SC/ST & OBC categories and possessing excellent academic background along with commitment to quality teaching, for the post of Assistant Professor (On Contract) and Lecturer (On Contract) for maximum periods of 3 years to be renewed annually for the following Departments :
Civil Engg., (2) Computer Science & Engg., (3) Electrical Engg., (4) Electronics & Communication Engg., (5) Metallurgical & Materials Engg., (6) Mechanical Engg., (7) Production & Industrial Engg., (8) Physics, (9) Chemistry, (10) Mathematics, (11) Humanities (English) & (12) Deptt. of Computer Applications
Remuneration : Assistant Professor - Rs.33000/- and for Lecturer - Rs.30000/- per month
How to Apply : Application on the prescribed format with attested copies of certificates and passport size
photograph should reach Registrar, NIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand-831014 by Speed / Registered post
on or before 17/01/2011.
Please view[A].pdf for more details and application format.