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September 13, 2009

Common Wealth Games Delhi 2010 Organising Committee Recrutment for Various Positions

Organizing Committee - Common Wealth Games (CWG) Delhi 2010
The Organizing Committee CWG Delhi 2010 is looking for a dynamic team of capable people with the right experience and attitude to work in diverse fields, such as Games Services, Venue Operations, Sports, Technology, and many more.
Send a copy of your profile electronically to the e-mails id. provided. Please include the name of the position to which you are applying in the subject line of the email. If you wish to apply for multiple positions, please list each position title in the subject line.

Click here for more details :

For the positions listed below, please mail your CV to

  1. Dir Village Development
  2. DDG Work Force
  3. Director Workforce Operations
  4. PO Time Result Scoring
  5. PO Rate Card
  6. PO Games Village
  7. PO Security
  8. PO Image & Look
  9. PO Cleaning & Waste Management
  10. PO Catering
  11. Accommodation - Project Officer (Planning)
  12. Catering - Project Officer (Planning)
  13. Catering - Asst. Project Officers (Cluster)
  14. Catering - Project Officers (Cluster Managers)
  15. Catering - Project Officers (Operations)
  16. Catering - Project Officer (VIK)
  17. CGA Relations - Project Officer Hotels
  18. CGA Relations - Project Officer Volunteers
  19. Doping Control - Project Officer (Deterrence and Detection)
  20. Security - Project Officer (Security Cluster Director)
  21. Spectator Services - Project Officer
  22. Ticketing - Asst. Project Officer (Sales & Operations)
  23. Director-Ticketing
  24. Dir CGKMP Legacy
  25. PO-GMS Technology
  26. PO Transport

For the positions listed below, please mail your CV to

  1. DDG-Workforce
  2. Director-Legacy
  3. Director-Technology-Telecommunications
  4. Director-Ticketing
  5. PO-Venue (Accountant)
  6. PO-Broadcasting
  7. PO-Catering (Cluster Manager)
  8. PO-CGA Relations
  9. APO-Administration
  10. APO-Accomodation (Internal Publication)
  11. APO-Communications (Community Relations)
  12. APO-Communications (Market Research)
  13. APO-Communications (Media Relations)
  14. APO-Communications (Advertising)
  15. APO-Communications (Promotions)
  16. APO-Doping Control (Workforce Training)
  17. APO-Doping Control (Workforce Coordination)
  18. APO-Doping Control (Communication)
  19. APO-Doping Control (Logistics)
  20. APO-Doping Control (Outreach)
  21. APO-Finance & Accounts (Data Entry Operator)
  22. Administrative Asst

International Hires

For the positions listed below, please mail your CV to

  1. ADG (Sports)
  2. ADG (Venues)
  3. ADG Games Services
  4. DDG (Games Village)
  5. Director (CGA Relations)
  6. Director (Press Operations)
  7. Director (Spectator Services)
  8. Director (Traffic & Transport)
  9. Director (Venue Technology)
  10. Director (Games Village Operations)