School name : FIITJEE World school
Academics Department :
- Principal
- Faculties
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Maths
- Biology
- Social studies
- Hindi
- Telugu
- Computer sciences(B.Ed not essential)
- Physical Education Teacher
- Lab Assistants
- Librarian
Accounts Department :
- Accountant
Admission & Business Promotions Department :
- Sr. Executives/Executives
- Counselors
- Executives/Operators-Computer
Remuneration : For all above positions remuneration will match with best of the schools/companies in India/SE asia and will not be a limiting factor for the right candidate.
Note : Presently FIITJEE world schools are only at Hyderabad and all positions are based at Hyderabad.Candidates who are confident of meeting the challenges of a fast growing ambitious organization may courier/post/fax/e-mail their resume latest by 31st January,2010.
Shortlisted candidates will be informed about the selection procedure, venue and other details by e-mail. please mention your functional e-mail that you check frequently.
Address : FIITJEE House,
29-A, Kalu Sarai,
Sarvapriya Vihar,
New Delhi-110016
Help line : 011-26525355, 0-9810405910
Fax : 011-26525331
E-mail :