Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL)
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a Navaratna Central Public Sector undertaking, is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 19 Production/Overhaul/Service Divisions and 9 co-located R&D Centres spread across the Country. HAL's spectrum of
expertise encompasses design, development, manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-engines, Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and Structural Components for Satellite & Launch Vehicles.
Advt. No : A/HR/01/10
Chief Manager (Gr-VI)/Senior Customer Manager (Gr-V) – 1 Post (UR)
- Discipline/Trade : Team Head, Customer Operating Base
- Qualification : Degree in Engineering or its equivalent
How To Apply : Eligible candidates may send their applications, duly filled, in the prescribed format as at Annexure-1 along with the Demand Draft, certificates/documents (attested Photocopies) in proof of Age, Qualification, Experience, Training, Caste (SC/ST/OBC certificate in the prescribed format), Disability (As applicable), Ex-servicemen discharge book (As applicable), etc by ordinary post only so as to reach on or before 04.02.2010 to the address as mentioned below. The candidate is required to write his/her name and post applied for on the reverse side of Demand Draft, which should be forwarded, subscribing on the envelop, in bold, the post applied for, discipline and advertisement No.
Address :
The Deputy General Manager (HR),
Aircraft Division,
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited,
Bangalore Complex, P.B.No.1788,
Bangalore – 560017.
Click here for more details : http://www.hal-india.com/careers/act/Detailed_%20Advt_05-02-10.pdf