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February 01, 2010

Sri Ramachandra University invites admissions for MD(psychiatry)

University name : Sri Ramachandra University (SRU)
Course name :
Location : Jharkhand
Eligibility : M.B.B.S. degree from any university/Medical college of Jharkhand state recognized by M.C.I.
The candidates who is resident of Jharkhand and has passed MBBS from Bihar can also apply. who has got addmission in Bihar medical college before creation of Jharkhand state i.e. before 15.11.2000. The candidate must have completed the rotating internship by 15.02.2010. The candidate must have obtained permanent registration from Medical Council of India or Bihar/Jharkhand state Medical Council.
How to apply : Completed application form should reach on or before 25.02.2010 to the director,Ranchi Institute of Neuro Psychiatry and Allied Sciences, kanka, Ranchi-834006 along with a non-refundable DD of Rs.500/-(250/- only for ST/SC candidates) drawn in favour of the director,
RINPAS payable at Ranchi as examination fee.
Last date : 25.02.2010.
Name of the candidate.

  1. Father's/Husband's name.
  2. Sex
  3. Date of birth.
  4. Marital status
  5. Nationality.
  6. Educational qualification with % of marks obtained in RG.
  7. .....
  8. ......
  9. Present occupation and so on.

Last date : 25.02.2010