(A Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways)
Regd. Office: C-4, District Centre, Saket, New-Delhi-110 017 (India)
The company invites applications for the following posts :
Dy. General Manager (S&T)
- Posts – 3
- Pay Scale : Rs. 32900-58000 (IDA)
- Qualification : Engineering graduate in any discipline with not less than 60% marks in aggregate
- Experience: Minimum experience of 14 years (Minimum 10 Years in Officer/ Executive grade) in the field of Electronics with proficiency in Signaling & Telecommunications. The Experience in the areas of Electronic Interlocking, Route Relay Interlocking, Rout-relay-interlocking, Automatic Signalling and Digital Communication/ GSM-R would be preferable.
Asstt. Manager (HRM)
- Posts – 4 ( UR-3, OBC-1)
- Pay Scale : Rs. 20600-46500 (IDA)
- Qualification :
- Full time regular MBA or full time regular P.G. Diploma in HR/ IR & Personnel Management with minimum 60% marks from a recognized Govt. University/ Institute.
- Computer proficiency in having worked in MS Office, Knowledge of having worked in SAP or any ERP package will be preferred.
Road Crane Operator
- Total Post – 2 Nos., Contract basis (one year)
- Consolidated Salary : Rs. 12000/- pm
- Qualification : Matric (10th pass), ITI Certificate (any Mechanical Trade) would be preferred. Qualification can be relaxed for candidates having more than 15 years experience in operation of high capacity mobile cranes
- Experience : Minimum 8-10 years experience in operation of minimum 50 to 75 MT or higher capacity hydraulic/Pneumatic, tyre/ track mounted mobile cranes in a reputed construction company or industry of repute. Candidate should be well versed with hand signals and safety measures during operation of cranes.
Application Processing Fees: Rs. 300/- only. Fees should be paid by DD with a validity period of 6 months drawn in favour of "IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED" payable at New Delhi
How to apply : Application neatly typed on A-4 size paper in the prescribed format should be sent to
Addl. General Manager/ HRM,
IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110 017 accompanied with the following documents :
- Matriculation Certificate (for age proof);
- Certificate of Engineering Degree/ Diploma;
- Certificates of other professional qualifications, if any;
- Certificates in proof of experience clearly indicating the length and line of experience as per eligibility conditions, wherever applicable;
- DD in original for Rs. 300/- .
Candidates working in Govt./ PSUs/Auto. Bodies should inform their employers in writing before applying for posts in IRCON. Such candidates will have to produce NOC from their employers at the time of interview.
All information given in the application will be verified with original documents at the time of interview. If discrepancies are found, candidature will be cancelled.
Application is liable to be rejected if it is not in the prescribed format, incomplete, unsigned or received in IRCON after the closing date. IRCON will not be responsible for loss of application in transit or postal delay. IRCON on discretion reserves the right to reject any application or cancel the candidature without assigning any reason thereof.
The envelope containing the application should be clearly superscribed "Application for the post of __________________________".
Last date for receipt of filled in applications in IRCON office: 31-10-2009.
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